We are scheduled for photography in the following geographic areas in the coming year, 2024. If you have need to photograph a project or facility in/near these or any other areas & would like to save on some travel costs, give us a call (717 393-0918) (Cell  717 341-9998) to discuss coordination. You'll get some great photography for your advertising, marketing or promotional location projects and look good to the bean counters. (Check back from time to time for new location updates).

 Richmond, VA. Bluefield, VA. Pittsburgh, PA. Philadelphia, PA. New York, NY. Rochester, NY. New London, NH. Toronto CAN.  Sarasota, FL.



brt's personal blog

Early 2020, while on assignment in NYC, I took some free time to add to my street photo documentary series. I came across a few situations that, in hind sight, seem like precursors for the coming topsy-turvy year we were about to experience.  First was the gentleman who decided to strike a crazy pose in front of the Oculus for his girl friend.  
Humor: the quality of being amusing or comic in literature or speech (or visually), a mood or state of  mind.  Kitsch: objects or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.    I’ve always had a taste for things that make me smile, chuckle or even laugh out loud, along with an extra side dish of irony or satire.


We are scheduled for photography in the following geographic areas in the coming year, 2024. If you have need to photograph a project or facility in/near these or any other areas & would like to save on some travel costs, give us a call (717 393-0918) (Cell  717 341-9998) to discuss coordination. You'll get some great photography for your advertising, marketing or promotional location projects and look good to the bean counters. (Check back from time to time for new location updates).

 Richmond, VA. Bluefield, VA. Pittsburgh, PA. Philadelphia, PA. New York, NY. Rochester, NY. New London, NH. Toronto CAN.  Sarasota, FL.